If you have a question to ask us,
we invite you to first consult our frequently asked questions (FAQ) below.
How does it work ?
The panel is the energy source for the specially regulated heat pump, the energy coming from:
- The sun (thermal radiation)
- Thermal convection from the earth (ambient)
- Wind (thermal exchange accelerator)
- Rain (thermal dissipation contained in water)
It is drawn in via the heat exchanger
This is made possible by the temperature of the fluid (glycol) passing through the exchanger, which is consistently a few degrees lower than the ambient temperature.
As for the energy coming from light radiation (sun), it powers the compressor of the heat pump, and the surplus can be self-consumed or sold back.
Can one become energy self-sufficient with the Li-Mithra system ?
Everything is possible but the cost would be very high.
In terms of thermal energy, self-sufficiency is almost achieved. On the other hand, with regard to electricity, the panels are not able to cover all needs in winter (like any other photovoltaic system).
In case of a strongly negative temperature, is the Li-Mithra system capable of heating to the set temperature ?
Yes, the system is designed according to the study carried out to provide the energy necessary for the comfort of the home at temperatures below – 15°. If necessary, an electrical resistance could supplement the energy requirement during this short period of time when the temperatures are extreme.
For my future home, I would like to be BEPOS (Positive Energy Building), is it possible with your system ?
It’s entirely achievable. In RT 2020 houses, for a surface area of 100 to 150 m² and depending on the region, about ten panels of 300 W/peak may be sufficient to achieve this objective.
How many hybrid panels are needed to heat a home and produce domestic hot water ?
On average, 1 panel per kW requirement. Then, this number varies depending on the location, the living area, hot water needs, and the level of insulation of the home. A study is carried out beforehand by us.
Is the li-mithra system able to provide air conditioning ?
Yes and no. The system can be reversible and generate cooling of 3 to 4 degrees (circulation of cold water in your radiators or underfloor heating). It is not a real air conditioning system, as its operation tends to contribute to global warming. If you want to air-condition part of your home, it is preferable to opt for a separate system that can be powered by the photovoltaic panels.
What distinguishes your hybrid panel from other manufacturers offering this type of technology ?
Our panel is ACTIVE: indeed, many manufacturers of hybrid panels (PVT) use photovoltaic panels and associate them with a thermal exchanger on the back with insulation foam to prevent heat dissipation and prefer roof integration to further reduce this phenomenon. The panel on its thermal part works in the same way as a thermal solar panel (continuous circulation of a heat transfer fluid which preheats a domestic hot water tank).
This way of proceeding is actually contradictory.
Indeed, the photovoltaic panel works perfectly in bright sunlight, but on the other hand, the cells cannot withstand heat (loss of power beyond a surface temperature of 25°C). That’s why the glass is treated with athermal properties; conversely, the efficiency of a thermal panel is determined by its ability to heat the integrated sensor (these panels reach temperatures which far exceed 100°C).
The operating principle of Li-Mithra hybrid panels is different. They can only be efficient if they are directly connected to a specially regulated heat pump. They are said to be Active and behave like “energy vacuums” thanks to the heat transfer fluid that travels through the exchanger and is cooler than the ambient temperature. They thus operate even without direct sunlight and can meet 100% of the heat requirements (heating and domestic hot water).
The Li-Mithra panel should be positioned in roof overlay so that the thermal exchanger under the panel can be swept by an air blade and especially not be thermally insulated.
By using a heat pump to recover thermal energy from the panels, are you improving the panel efficiency by cooling them ?
Absolutely, the operating principle of our system for thermal recovery, which consists of the heat pump directly connected to the source, the thermal exchangers positioned under the panels, allows for cooling of the photovoltaic panel and consequently, an improvement in electrical efficiency of up to 20%.
In fact, the peak power of a photovoltaic panel is determined in relation to a surface temperature of 25° of said panel. Power decreases by 0.4% per degree above this temperature (and improves below this temperature). Knowing that the temperature of the panels can reach around 75°, the loss can reach 20%. In the departments of the South of France, these decreases in yield are observed during summer heatwaves, despite better irradiation than other departments.
What are the system's performances ?
We have chosen to certify the system’s yields through the European ETV (Environmental Technology Verification) protocol. ADEME assisted us in this process, and on-site tests were conducted under the supervision of the LNE (National Metrology and Testing Laboratory). These tests attest to the performance of the system with a SCOP of 6.6 at the latitude of Strasbourg.
Is the Li-Mithra system guaranteed ? And for how long ?
The Li-Mithra system is guaranteed :
- Hybrid panels : 25 years
- Heat pump : 15 years with the Limibox service contract
- Inverters : 20 years
- Batteries : 10 years
Is there any assistance provided for the Li-Mithra system ?
Our system is eligible for numerous aids :
- Primrénov (ANHA)
- Energy Saving Certificates (CEE)
- Coup de pouce
- Zero-rate Eco loan
- Photovoltaic self-consumption premium
- EDF OA surplus resale contract
- Action Logement loan
Please inquire locally about any aids that may be offered by local or regional authorities.
What is the environmental impact of your system ?
- Photovoltaic electricity production does not emit CO2 during the transformation of solar irradiation into energy.
- The carbon footprint emitted by the manufacturing of Li-Mithra low carbon panels (100% manufactured in France) is offset after 12 to 18 months of use depending on the level of sunshine.
- Our photovoltaic panels are 98% recyclable. They do not contain rare earths.
- The aluminum heat exchanger is 100% recyclable.
- The storage of energy produced by Li-Mithra is mainly (90% of the energy produced) carried out in hot water tanks: a technique that is completely carbon-neutral and entirely sustainable.
- The batteries used for electricity storage (10% of the energy produced) are produced in France and completely recyclable.
- Remote monitoring of the system makes it possible to optimize yields and limit failures: technician travel is minimized, and the system’s availability rate is maximized.
Is the Li-Mithra system certified ?
Yes, the Li-Mithra system has been the subject of national and international patents.
Li-Mithra panels are certified by CERTISOLIS
The overall system performance is ETV (Environnemental Technology Verification) certified with an annual SPF of 6.6 at the latitude of Strasbourg.
The Ministry of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities has issued Title V approval for the Li-Mithra system.

191 Traversée de grange Eglise
Contact us for all your questions :

09 72 17 24 71

For any after-sales service request :
